Weldtech Door Slide Extension Nissan NV

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Product Overview


The Nissan NV Door Slide Extension is here:

Most Nissan van owners who run our lift kit, want to run the biggest tire possible.  So you’ve added larger tires and you’re super excited about the new look of your van, until you go to load the kids or gear and realize your sliding door doesn’t open up all the way.  Don’t worry we have a solution!

The Nissan NV Door Slide Extension is now available. With our bracket and minor modification to your sliding door, you will have no problem opening your door all the way with oversize tires.

Requires cutting your stock sliding door in order for the new bracket to work properly
DIY install time is approximately 2.5 hours


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Questions? (757) 733-5438 or email Kierre@nbdmotorsports.com